A-Z Guide

The Epicenter is committed to serving guests with disabilities. Our facilities are fully accessible, and we provide a wide range of services and amenities for guests with special needs.

The Epicenter is designed with accessible parking, accessible vehicle drop off and pick up area, restrooms, concessions and seating areas. Guests can receive more information by visiting our Guest Services desk located in the West lobby. For questions regarding ADA ticket information, please contact Epicenter Box office at boxoffice@thefortbendepicenter.com

28505 Southwest Fwy, Rosenberg, TX 77471

All guests purchasing alcohol must present a valid ID. Management reserves the right to cut off alcohol sales at its discretion. We reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into the stadium. Any attempt to bring alcohol into the stadium will be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct and may result in the guests being ejected or arrested. No alcohol can leave the arena premises and must be disposed of prior to exiting the arena. 

Animals are not permitted in The Epicenter, with the exception of service animals to aid guests with disabilities.

The Epicenter welcomes guests with disabilities and their service animals or service animals in training. While it is not necessary, we encourage guests with assistive animals to contact Guest Services at (346)702-4445 in advance of any event, to appropriately accommodate the needs of the guest and their animal.

Fort Bend Epicenter encourages guests to travel light and refrain from bringing bags. Bags up to 4.5”x6.5” in size are permitted into the arena. Clear bags must be no larger than 12”x12”x6. Medical and parenting bags are permitted and are subject to search.

Prohibited bags include, but are not limited to: all purses, bags or containers larger than 4.5”x6.5”, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, luggage of any kind, computer bags, and camera bags. All bags are subject to security search upon entry. This policy is subject to change at any time.


Unless otherwise specified by teams or event management, Fort Bend Epicenter welcomes guests bringing small signs, banners, posters and flags inside the building to show fan support during events. The following rules relate to these items:

      • Small signs, banners, posters and flags may not be larger than 11 x 17 in dimension
      • Item must be relevant to the event
      • Item may not be attached to a stick/pole
      • Item may not obstruct any stadium or event signage
      • Item may not be hung, attached, or displayed on any part of the building
      • Item may not be commercial in nature
      • Item may not contain or display obscene or offensive language and/or pictures, as determined by Fort Bend Epicenter management in its sole discretion
      • Item may not be constructed or displayed in a manner that may obstruct the view of other guests or in any way create a safety hazard for others as determined by Fort Bend Epicenter management in its sole discretion
      • If the event does not allow posters, guests will be asked to return the item to his/her car.
               Any sign, banner, poster, or flag may be removed, at any time, at the sole discretion of Fort Bend Epicenter management.  

The box office is located outside on the east side of the building (closest to Fairgrounds Rd). 

For ticket help, email: boxoffice@thefortbendepicenter.com

Cameras with detachable lenses, audio and video recording devices, tripods, monopods, selfie sticks and flash photography are prohibited. Small cameras with lenses 3” or smaller are permitted unless prohibited by the artist.

All food & beverage transactions will be cashless. Major credit and debit cards, Apple, Google and Samsung pay will be accepted throughout Fort Bend Epicenter. 

Reverse ATMs are available inside the building to load cash onto an Epicenter prepaid card. 

Traveling South, take Exit 96 onto Bamore Street. Go  straight through the underpass (do not U-Turn) and use the first entrance to enter the parking lot.

Address: 28505 Southwest Fwy, Rosenberg, TX 77471

Visit our Contact Us page for more information.

Fort Bend Epicenter is equipped with public elevators that are located at the East and West side of the lobby next to the entrances. 

Should you need immediate assistance, please notify the event staff member, security personnel, concierge staff member or police officer. Guests are encouraged to report issues and concerns to a nearby event staff member or calling Guests Services at (346)702-4445. In the event of an evacuation please follow the direction of public safety and stadium personnel. For more information please contact info@thefortbendepicenter.com

Please visit our Careers page for more information.

There are 2 guest entrances to Fort Bend Epicenter. These locations are as follows: 

– Entry A: West side of the facility. 

– Entry B: East side of the facility.

There are escalators that provide access from the Main Lobby up to the Upper Concourse. These are located on the East and West side of the lobby. 

Family restrooms are designed for the use of guests with small children and guests with disabilities. However, any guest may use a family restroom. These restrooms are located throughout the stadium on the concourse level and second level. Family restrooms are accessible and equipped with baby changing tables. 

If first aid assistance is required, please notify the nearest Fort Bend Epicenter representative so they may escort you to the first aid area. Our first aid area is equipped to handle minor injuries.

Fort Bend Epicenter is proud to offer a variety of food & beverages. Guests are not permitted to bring outside food or beverage onto the facility grounds.

Fort Bend Epicenter is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests.  Fort Bend Epicenter guests have a right to expect an environment where:

  • ​Guests will be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all arena and team personnel.
  • Guests will enjoy the entertainment experience free from disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
  • Guests will consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner.  Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated, or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
  • Guests will sit only in their ticketed seats and show their tickets when requested.
  • Guests who engage in fighting, throwing objects or attempting to enter the court, stage, etc. will be immediately ejected from the arena and subject to arrest.
  • Guests will smoke in designated smoking areas only.
  • There will not be any obscene or indecent messages or signs on clothing.
  • Guests will comply with requests from arena staff regarding arena operations and emergency procedures.
  • Guests will also be responsible for their own good time by reporting inappropriate behavior.

The arena staff has been trained to intervene where necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met, and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest usher, security guard, or guest services staff member.  Guests who choose not to adhere to these provisions will be subject to ejection without refund, and may also be in violation of city ordinances resulting in possible arrest and prosecution.

The Guest Services Center is located on the west side of the lobby. Guest Services Center assists guests with lost and found, lost children, stadium directions, emergencies, general information and accommodations for guests with disabilities. The centers are staffed with knowledgeable attendants ready to assist guests needing information or wishing to leave compliments or comments. For questions or more information please email – info@thefortbendepicenter.com

Guest Services: (346)702-4445

During an event all found items will be taken to Guest Services. To claim a lost article, visit Guest Services or call/email at (346)702-4445 or  info@thefortbendepicenter.com. Items lost at prior events are held in a locked storage area for 60 days and are then either disposed of or donated to an appropriate charitable organization. Fort Bend Epicenter cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged items. 

Please notify the nearest Fort Bend Epicenter representative so they may escort you to the guest services area. Lost children and guests should be taken to the Guest Service Center. 




Please visit the individual event page for more event parking information.

See link below:


Prohibited items may vary based on the type of event being held at the Epicenter and at the discretion of Epicenter staff.

  • Fort Bend Epicenter Prohibited Items
    • For safety reasons, patrons may be refused entry if they are in possession of prohibited items including, but not limited to:
      • Alcoholic beverages/illegal drugs
      • Food and drinks
      • Drones
      • Cameras: no professional/flash photography, tripods or monopods 
      • Cameras may not have detachable lenses.
      • Video recorders and audio recorders
      • Glass, plastic, metal containers and flasks (includes water bottles, reusable cups, and anything similar)
      • Fireworks/flares
      • Laser pointers
      • Umbrella
      • Coolers (hard/soft side)
      • Knives 
      • Weapons of any kind
      • Baby seats or carriers
      • Artificial noise makers (air horns, drums, whistles)
      • Glitter/confetti
      • Balloons, flowers, noise makers, posters/signs larger than 11X17, big heads, glow sticks, frisbees, permanent markers, spray paint, streamers (flowers will be allowed for graduation only)
      • Beach balls
      • Parcels or packages
      • Inflatables
      • Chairs/stools
      • Pamphlets, product samples
      • Skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, helmets 
      • Laptop/Tablet computers, 2-way radios, flashlights
      • Bags not compliant with our clear bag policy
      • Any other items deemed dangerous and/or inappropriate


**Exceptions will be made for medical, parenting, or special requirements.

For some events, at Fort Bend Epicenter re-entry is permitted. Please refer to each individual event for event policies and procedures. 

There are public restrooms (men, women, & family) located throughout the building. Restrooms are accessible to guests with disabilities and have diaper changing stations.


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For all pick ups and drop offs, please give your driver the following instructions:

Our rideshare location is located off the U.S. 59 Service Road. Take a right, which is directly in front of our large Video Board. Pick up and drop offs will be in front of the fountain. 

Once dropped off or picked up, you will EXIT back onto the U.S. 59 Service Road. 

In the interest of guest and staff safety, a search process is required for all guests entering the building. Any guests who refuse to go through our security procedures will be denied entry.

Smoking of any kind, including the use of e-cigarettes and vaporizers, is prohibited inside the Epicenter. A designated smoking area outside the arena is accessible on the lobby level through the North doors leading to the fountain.

The Fort Bend Epicenter encourages all guests to leave strollers in their vehicles. Strollers are not permitted on the concourse level and must be checked in at our designated stroller parking stations. Fort Bend Epicenter is not responsible for any items lost, stolen, or damaged. 

All tailgating is prohibited on our property.

Tickets are sold through our official ticketing partner, ETIX, on the website or the Fort Bend Epicenter Ticket Office. Resale of tickets is not permitted. All sales are final. Refunds and exchanges are not permitted. Ticket prices are subject to change without notice.

Some shows may require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test for admission.  Please check on the individual event page on the website for the show you are attending for more information on attendance requirements.

For all ticketing questions please contact: boxoffice@thefortbendepicenter.com

Umbrellas are strictly prohibited, unless specifically permitted on the event page. When permitted, umbrellas must be safely stored beneath the guest seats and out of aisles. 

  • Use of nonprofessional still cameras during concerts and other events hosted at the event will be determined on an event-by-event basis (no cameras with detachable lenses are permitted)
  • Video cameras, go pros, selfie sticks, cameras with detachable lenses, and audio recorders are prohibited in the Epicenter except for working media with approved credentials.
  • Tripods, monopods, or any camera stand of any size or dimension are also prohibited inside the venue, with the exception of working media with approved credentials. 

Water fountains are located throughout the arena.

For event day assistance and seating relocations, contact an event staff member or visit the nearest Guest Services Center located on the concourse.  The ADA seating for graduations is available on a first come, first serve basis.  These spaces are limited to one patron that requires ADA seating and one companion.

For more information, please contact: info@thefortbendepicenter.com

Fort Bend Epicenter does not have wheelchairs to loan out to guests. Wheelchairs are only provided for medical emergencies.